Hi, Whitney here, I'm guest posting on Diaries sharing the skinny on our trip to Haiti. On September 6th Jd and I will be flying to Haiti to serve for a month with the NGO Child Hope. We were introduced to Child Hope through our church Revolution Annapolis and I immediately felt the Holy Spirit's tug on my heart to go. As it turns out, we are not the first from Gordon College (our alma mater) to go to Child Hope. Kaitlyn Evans, a fellow Gordonite, coaching classmate and fighting scot athlete also worked with Child Hope, the path was being laid. With the amazing support of our families, (this is a theme in our lives) we will be able to leave our jobs and sign on with Child Hope for the month of September.
- Child Hope is run by the Manassaro's, read their story here, it's amazing
- We will be helping with their transition programs doing carpentry, sewing, maybe some screen printing and whatever else we can come up with
- We'll hopefully get to help in their clinic, serve alongside their orphans in their feeding program and play lots of soccer
- We'll get to use our admin, organizational, photog, filming and general jack of all trade skills
- We'll be loving on some really awesome kids, staff and interns and the people of Haiti
- We'll be developing on the ground contacts for a Disaster Conference that we will be helping lead in January (more on that later)
- And we'll be keeping you posted on what we're doing here on this blog
We would greatly appreciate your encouragement and prayers while we are away. Pray that we will be joy filled servants, that our hearts would be broken for Haiti, that we will be Christ's hands and feet and that our time there would be a blessing to the Mnassaro's and interns of Child Hope.
We hope that you will be our cloud of wittnesses as we go on this journey.
We already appreciate the support. We couldn't do this without the blessings of friends in family.
Please contact us if are interested in supporting us financially.
Whitney and Jd